Project Reference: EVK3-CT-2000-00035
Start Date: January 1, 2001
End Date: January 1, 2004
Duration: 36 months
Europa Partially funded by the European Commission programme entitled
Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development - EESD
The extent to which the atmosphere represents an important pathway for various pollutants and natural substances from Europe and North Africa towards the Mediterranean Sea and subsequently affects its biogeochemistry remains largely unknown. Some of these substances, such as lead, mercury and chlorinated hydrocarbons, when carried into the sea by atmosphere are potentially harmful to marine biological systems. Others, such as nitrogen species, phosphorus and iron, are nutrients and may enhance marine producitivity. Atmospheric inputs thus exert many different effects on the Mediterranean environment.

The ADIOS project aims at understanding the magnitude, timing and geographical distribution of atmospheric deposition and impact of selected pollutants, key elements and nutrients on the Mediterranean open sea, an ecologically sensitive marine environment.

SeaWiFs image of a Saharan dust storm over the central Mediterranean taken on 18 July 2000 (Provided by the SeaWiFS Project, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, and ORBIMAGE).

ADIOS is a member of the IMPACTS cluster, a group of EU research projects focusing on pollution sources, transport, reactivity and impact on the contrasting marine ecosystems surrounding Europe.

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